Much to the unhappiness of the being that was making the footsteps and apologizing. This is usually a sign that that said character is about to go off the deep end. In Higurashi: When They Cry, it's not uncommon for one of the characters to start hearing footsteps, or occasionally a voice saying "I'm sorry" over and over.Soul Eater: Stein has something like issue in the anime whilst he's with Medusa.

Code Geass: Mao was driven mad by the constant thoughts of everyone around him.Cromartie High School had a chapter of the manga, also adapted into the anime, which completely centered on the entire school trying to figure out what one song stuck in Hayashida's head was.He complains about "the noise" and uses his new powers to "stop the time" of the people around him, freezing them in stone. Joshua in Chrono Crusade gets the telepath variant when he gets Chrono's horns stuck on his head.